Union – By receiving grace our New Creation spirit has been fully united with Christ so that means that you are united with Christ in His death, in His burial, in His resurrection, His ascension, and in His seating on the throne.

Everything that happened to Jesus also happened to you! The good thing about it is that when He hung on the Cross, you were united with Him in that – but you didn’t have to go through it! He hung there for us – He took all our sins and sickness for us and the full weight of the wrath of God, the full fire of the judgment and punishment and wrath of God was poured out fully upon Jesus and He died for your sins! Thank God we didn’t have to face that judgment! Jesus faced that for us so we will never have to face that.

True Christianity is a union of Christ with the life of a believer, a real participation of the divine nature, the very image of God drawn and planted in us, it is Christ formed in us. Christ has become our life, our very existence, the presence of the life-giving Son of God in union with us. This union is genuine and living.