A New Heart – By receiving grace God has totally re-created your heart in Christ. You are a New Creation in Christ and you have been given a new heart with new creation soil and new creation God birthed faith and beliefs. The tree of righteousness and the fruit of the Spirit have been planted and grow inside you.

As Max Lucado writes in his book “Grace” –“Grace is God as heart surgeon, cracking open your chest, removing your heart—poisoned as it is with pride and pain—and replacing it with his own. Rather than tell you to change, he creates the change.”

Your relationship with God is birthed in your spirit and He has already transformed your heart. God now speaks directly into your heart which is your “core belief system” and how you look after your heart is now up to you. Nourish, nurture, and protect your heart and you will experience and enjoy greater depths of God’s love and his voice in your life.

In order to let the Holy Spirit work in us it is important that we tend our hearts as a gardener would tend a garden. It is a work of effortless grace, a work of rest, a work that flows from the Holy Spirit. It is a work that encourages us to be led by the Spirit He exchanged the old heart for a new heart and Christ dwells in our hearts by faith A new heart, a new spirit, and God’s Spirit – that’s what we get in the new covenant.